Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Well, all I can say about this election is I'm glad God is in charge. He must have a reason to allow someone like Barrak Obama to come to presidency. Someone who could not even get FBI clearance becuase of all his questionable connections. Someone who believes in allowing people to kill babies. Someone who thinks it's okay to sit on your backside all day long and collect money from the hard working people of America. Someone who's own pastor damn's America. Someone who had Cuban flags in several of his campaign offices (probably becuase of money he recieved from them and had to display them). Someone who is more comfortable running America in a communistic way. The attitude of "we deserve it" is rampant in America. You DON'T deserve free hand out's people. You have to WORK for the American dream and the rich people who did just that deserve it. If you want the "American Dream" but don't work for it you DON'T deserve anything extra. And someone who says gays have everyone is okay that in the future your children and grandchildren will be exposed to gay behavorior right in the streets instead of allowing those people to keep their sin between them and God? Scary. Sinning should not be made legal. I am not judging sinners. I'm a sinner just like everyone else. But I don't flaunt my sin. I'm ashamed of my sin and ask God's forgiveness every day. But some how a lot of America is okay with these things and that scares me for our future unless I think how God is in charge and this is in His grand plan. Thank you Lord.

Well, sorry for getting heated. I'm just bothered, extremely. My children have to grow up in this world, unless God comes back before then and honestly, I think He is coming soon. This place is getting out of hand and He isn't going to tolerate it much longer.

Dear Lord - your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. You are in charge God.


Lanette said...

It will be ok. Have faith.

Angi said...

Oh, I do have faith, i'm just sad about America in general. I still have to live here for awhile yet. :)

jennie said...

I keep telling myself that its only 4 years....

Angi said...

Amen Jennie

beth d. said...

shooot I didn't know all that. I'm just waiting now to see if he's dumb enough to make "her" sec of state. What a lack of judgement call that would be. But i think that's his forte.....not know what kind of people to surround himself with.
Beth D.
hm. I think you can open more options for commenters who don't have google accounts... ( i just opened one...)