So tonight it's just Brent and I and our youngest Blake home. We've been playing games, making goodies like puppy chow and chocolate covered stawberries, and reading by the fire and the Christmas tree. Lovely winter/Christmas time things to do. I honestly do not mind winter except the driving in it part. Gives me a good excuse to do indoor things that I enjoy but feel guilty doing when it's gorgeous outside.
So I was doing childhood memories the other day with my cousin Carrie and it made me think about writing down as many as I could remember, you know, before Alzheimer's sets in. Here are some of my favorite childhood Christmas memories....
Waking up and tip toeing out to a living room chuck full of goodies! Especially the year I got the Barbie pool and "Santa" had actually taken the time to fill the pool and put the Barbies all around it like I caught them in the middle of a great pool party.
Winning the Santa that our classroom built that was four feet high and really fat out of plaster of paris and newspaper. It was the first thing I ever won and I was soooo excited. There is a picture I know I have somewhere with my brother Lyle and I sitting with it. Silly...
My Grandpa Forcia showing up for our annual Christmas Eve Christmas party and very seriously telling us he had just run over Rudolf. I remember all of us cousins totally believing him and freaking out.

The year my cousin Nikki and I swore we saw Santa climbing in through a window down the street from her house in Dewitt. I later figured out it was an American flag flapping around but man did I believe! I still drive by that house today and think of that memory...really...
Dancing with my grandma to Christmas songs in her dinning room...her hair was blazing red and piled up in a behive she did even after it went out of fashion...and she wore an apron every time I saw her like the ladies of old...other times of the year she danced polka's with me.
The first Christmas I was to have to spend alone, sophmore year of college...thought I could handle it and then about 10 pm that night I called my mom and told her I was heading up to where she was at my Grandma's...a two hour drive! This actually brings tears to my eyes becuase I totally remember how I felt that night...nobody should be alone on Christmas...
The first Christmas I spent married to my best friend. He bought me a VCR...I know there had to have been more but I really remember that VCR beucase it was 1989 and it was very cool to own one, LOL. We felt very grown up....a couple of weeks later we found out we were already pregnant with Grant that night.

Our first Christmas with our own child, Grant...he didn't even get it being only a couple of months old but we thought it was pretty cool. I remember we got him a wind up music box toy thing.
But the very very very best memories are the ones that we made for our children. Never have I had so much fun in all my life than I had doing Christmas for my children. Brent sneaking out the bathroom window to jingle bells outside the house, Santa throwing up the cookies on the Santa plate, Santa leaving footprints on the fireplace, reading the Christmas story from the Bible to the children and then reading A Night Before Christmas while they were all cuddled in their matching footy pajama's, Christmas Eve services, Christmas Eve driving by houses with the best lights, early Christmas presents the kids would start begging for around December 10th (and Brent teasing them by letting them open toothbrushes), the looks on their faces on Christmas morning when they would come down the stairs in the morning (at 5 am!), our special Christmas breakfast pizza from Fabiano's we'd get the night before....

how quickly it was all over....last year everyone slept till almost 8 and we had to actually roll Grant out of his bed becuase the other two wanted to get started. No one "believes" anymore, obviously....I guess if they still did I would have to be worried, LOL. All the magic is gone...for now...I guess until we have grandbabies start coming around. For now we have a small drought of Christmas magic...but it's still waiting in my heart for the next chapter in my life.